Creating connections between people and places.
Who We Are
The Pullman Civic Trust is a nonprofit volunteer organization of more than 300 community minded citizens of the Palouse. Our goals are varied yet share a common theme:
Create a healthy, prosperous, and sustainable community through projects that restore and enhance the natural and built environment.
Generate community spirit through wise, long term planning that fosters cooperation between citizens and government leaders.
Provide an opportunity for like-minded citizens to act locally through an established well respected organization
2023-2024 Pullman Civic Trust Board
Bobbie Ryder, President
Lisa Carloye, Vice-President
John Anderson, Treasurer
Mary Carloye, Secretary
Karl Boehmke
Marie Dymkoski
Carolyn Gordon
Karen L Johnston
Suzanne Kopan Sakwa
What We Have Accomplished
Trail Advocacy
Developed the coalition and sustained the effort that created the Bill Chipman Palouse Trail between Pullman and Moscow.
Promoted and lead the fundraising effort to build Pine Street Plaza and the Downtown Riverwalk trail.
Championed the individual trail segments united into an 8-mile loop through Pullman.
Envisioned trail spurs including the College Hill Climb and the Johnson Trail.
Designed, placed and fundraised for distinctive trail markers delineating the segments of Pullman’s trail system.
Future Visions
Parks and Greenspaces
Created the Civic Trust River Park, a 2.5-acre city park between Reaney Park and Main Street overpass.
Designed and developed the Three Forks Wayside including designing distinctive benches, bike racks and trash receptacles as enhancements.
Planted trees along our avenues and streams.
Added beauty to our community by creating the Main Street Program to foster beautification and revitalization in the Pullman downtown area and through our annual flower bulb sales bringing color to Pullman springs.
Expanded Trail System
Extend the in-town trail system by creating loops around each of the four hills and spurs connecting neighborhoods and parks to the Pullman trail loop.
Railbank the in-town rail lines to expand our trail system and revitilize those spaces and railbank the Pullman-Colfax rail line to expand the regional trail system that connects Pullman to Moscow, ID and beyond toward Kendrick.
Fill in “missing links” in existing trail system.
Community Visioning
Created Pedal Pullman, a new summer trail event for community engagement.
Partnered with the Pullman Chamber of Commerce to update the annual Holiday Fest.
Helped organize the Three-forks River and Arts Festival along the trail in downtown Pullman.
Provided frequent creative and financial support to numerous smaller community enhancement projects.
Presented to the Pullman City Council with visions for an integrated trail system, neighborhood connectivity, downtown projects, and future goals under consideration.
Expanded Greenways
Develop a network of greenways along the banks of Paradise Creek, the South Fork of the Palouse River and Missouri Flat Creek for environmental, scenic and recreational purposes.
Celebrate our rivers by beautifying riverbanks and encouraging riverside businesses to create both a street-side and an attractive riverside facade. Likewise, create public green spaces that enhance the river-experience.
Allocate land for greenways for use by citizens on any city property located along waterways.